Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Mobbs Hill parking lot, again.
Just finished a boisterous meeting at town hall.
The heated topic, noted on the agenda as the Mobbs Parking Lot Discussion, did begin until a couple of hours after the meetings start. The issue has to do with the location of the "new" parking lot off Browns Trace Road, near the town garage.
3 years ago, when our Development Review Board decided the details for the lot, there was a note on their decision that indicated that all parties--the town, the neighbors, and the Mobbs Committee--should seek a mediated process and try to find a solution that would be agreeable to everyone.
Two years ago the staff at the time did just that: the meeting was a productive one and the solution that everyone finally came to accept was very different from the DRB decision. The neighbors involved believed that the new plan was going forward. Meanwhile, the town administrator was replaced. The selectboard forgot to follow up. Nothing happened.
So here we are again, and we're left with the decision: do we go forward with the DRB-approved plan or pursue approval and funding for the idea which came from the ad-hoc committee? Strong opinions and emotions supply a wide range of judgement on this issue. At my request, the board will convene a short meeting at the site near the town garage in order to identify the various landmarks that have been so much a part of these discussions.
Review your new Town Plan
Also on the agenda (12/16/10):
- Jericho-Underhill Park District Board Member Interview – Michelle Hayes
- Mobbs Farm Committee Request for Grant Submittal Approval
- Town Library Request for Funds for Painting
- Draft Town Plan and Zoning Map Discussion and Warn Public Hearings
- Proposed FY12 Budget Overview
- Approval of 11/18/10 & 12/2/10 minutes
- Other business
- Possible Executive Session (personnel)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Opinion on Dubie & Burn Ordinance
A week and a half ago 400 municipal officials attended the Town Fair sponsored by the Vermont League of Cities of Town (VLCT). The biggest workshop on the schedule was a forum with the gubernatorial candidates. Guess what? Only one of the big two was in attendance. Shumlin was there, and although I didn't attend the session I heard he was very receptive and responsive to the issues and the questions of the crowd. So where was Dubie? Rumor has it that he declined the invitation to attend because his conditions for the forum weren't met--he wanted to be presented in a separate room and wouldn't participate in an unscripted debate. Hmmmm....why would a candidate for governor pass up the opportunity to campaign to such an influential and connected crowd?
Please, don't forget to vote on or before Nov. 2nd.
(GLENN RUSSELL, Burlington Free Press) Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Dubie, and Democratic candidate Peter Shumlin. Read about it: "Dubie Snaps at Shumlin" or watch the video of the debate. |
Part 2: Burn Policy Ordinance
We've finally arrived on a draft for the new burn policy. You can read the entire text here.
This is the summary of the proposed ordinance:
What can I burn?
- “Natural Wood” = branches and brush less than 4” in diameter.
- “Non-woody vegetation” = leaves, grass, yard trimmings and other organic materials
- Burning natural wood or non-woody vegetation when there is no snow on the ground surrounding the area where the burn will take place.
- A bonfire greater than thirty (30) inches in diameter when there is no snow on the ground surrounding the bonfire area.
- Burning construction or demolition materials and commercial wastes only if approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation.
- Barbeque pits less than thirty (30) inches in diameter.
- Campfires or bonfires less than thirty (30) inches in diameter.
- Recreational burning of natural wood within a chiminea or similar open container.
- Burning natural wood or non-woody vegetation when there is snow on the ground surrounding the area where the burn will take place.
- All permitted and exempt fires shall be extinguished when not attended to.
- All individuals conducting a permitted or exempt fire shall have means available to keep the fire under control or to extinguish it immediately.
- A permitted or exempt fire is never allowed to smolder.
- No structure can be intentionally burned.
- An authorized individual may order any fire to be extinguished.
- An authorized individual may inspect material to be burned and deny issuance of a permit as a result of the inspection.
- No burning within 200’ of a woodland or forestland or field containing dry grass when there is no snow on the ground.
Thanks, Kim
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Crumbling Foundation

Most folks in town have probably heard about the Community Center's plight. The foundation is crumbling, consequently the non-profit that operates this formerly public building is conducting a fundraising campaign to pay for the repairs.
Here is more information about the project -
There is a precedent for the Selectboard to allot monies toward community projects. Two years ago the board assigned $2,000 toward the playground overhaul at Jericho Elementary. I am told that there were a number of other gifts in this realm.
From what I've witnessed, the support for the community center is mostly coming from residents in Jericho Center (see/sign the petition to support this effort). So, I'd especially like to hear from Jericho residents who live in other parts of town.
My question for you is this: do you support your taxes being spent on this project? If so, what amount is acceptable?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Burn, Baby Burn

Recently, members of the Selectboard heard strong complaints from a few Jericho residents about smoky, smoldering fires which continued for numerous days. At the time of the complaints, it became very clear that town officials did not have a well-defined way to address complaints of this kind.
As Jericho increases in density the issues around open burning will no doubt continue to cause problems among neighbors. There is also the issue of air quality. Several residents have expressed their view that composting is always a more environmental option than combustion.
The Selectboard is grappling with this subject. We've heard a variety of diverse opinions: some say the current burn policy for Jericho, along with the state law about burning, is working just fine, so there is no need to change anything. Others believe that a detailed burn ordinance (such as the one in Colchester) would do the trick. Still others believe that we should forbid all open burning in Jericho.
What do you think?
Please take a couple minutes to complete this short survey.
Thanks, Kim
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Storm 7/21/10

I called the state police and asked that they patrol Jericho tonight, looking out for possible vandals where cars have been left at the ends of roads due to trees obstructing people from driving to their homes. State police phone number: 878-7111.
I also called CVPS and pleaded with them to give me some indication of their list of priorities. They wouldn't, or couldn't, tell me much, except that there are plenty of fires to put out and their crews are working through the night.
Amazing photos of the storm on the Burlington Free Press website.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Issues addressed at June meetings: Saw Mill Property, CSWD franchising, and more
But finally (and in the knick of time, for tomorrow marks the onset of JULY!) here are the highlights from the last two meetings:
Dickenson Street/Saw Mill property

David Villeneuve has developed a plan for traffic easement which the Act 250 Commission apparently agrees could work. It involves a redesign for Dickenson Street to open it up for 2 way traffic, thereby cutting the cars at the other intersection in half. Theoretically, the Selectboard is open to this solution but the problem is how to fund it. So there is a proposal on the table to create a new tax district ("Special Tax District") on the commercial property there, and to borrow the funds for the road improvement based on the future tax revenue from Villeneuve's property. Stay tuned for more on this - or call Todd Odit (Town Administrator) and ask him for the scoop.
Conflict of Interest Policy
A recent incident at a Planning Commission meeting prompted the evaluation of the town's Conflict of Interest Policy and how it might be enforcable if a situation occurs. We decided to send a copy of the policy to all members of town committees with a cover letter from the SB explaining that we take the issue seriously. Also, we stated that if ANY question of conflict comes up at a meeting, the chair of that committee should postpone the discussion and report the question of conflict to the Selectboard for possible investigation. The SB has the authority to remove any member of a SB-appointed committee if we believe there is a true conflict of interest.
New Truck for Road Crew
Kenny Barkyoumb, our road crew foreman, presented a compelling argument in favor of trading in the town's 5-year old truck for a new one. He explained that upcoming maintenance needs will only increase, and that the town has the funds budgeted for the purchase.
CSWD Franchise discussion
This issue involves the Chittenden Solid Waste District's exploration and research into the feasibility and benefits associated with the creation of a franchised pick-up service throughout it's partner municipalities. This idea inevitably would increase efficiency and reduce fuel expense and related pollutions, but it may also cause distress on local haulers. A concerned citizen sent an email to the SB and this is the CSWD's response (unformatted text from an email).
Skunk Hollow Road - condition complaint
A resident of Skunk Hollow explained that he had suffered property damage and witnessed 7 accidents in the same spot in front of his house on the gravel portion of Skunk Hollow. He was very convincing and said that he loves living on a dirt road but he believes there is a serious hazard in not paving this road that has become a "cut-through" for commuters to get the interstate. I have to admit, I use this road daily to drive to work in Burlington. Just yesterday on my drive home, I spied the evidence of an obvious wipe-out in exactly the same spot that the resident described. The road had been grated that day, making it slick and unpredictable. I wanted to take a picture, but alas my camera battery was dead.
We discussed the temporary, relatively inexpensive solution of a guard rail, which would possibly deter accidents, but would definitely create a way to record them. The SB plans to discuss the paving of this road in the next go-around (of course, public input and much more discussion will occur before a decision is made.)
Submit photos for town website
Kudos to the town staff, especially Paula Carrier, for a fresh face on the town website! You'll see the generic photos on the homepage if you visit the site....WE WOULD LOVE TO USE REAL JERICHO PHOTOS!!! Submit yours to me at or Paula or
And finally, the agenda for Thursday, July 1st
The most interesting item is the discussion of the Jericho's burn policy. More info soon...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Agenda - SB Meeting 6/3/2010
The problem is how to fund the road improvements, which are not covered in the town's current budget. Scenarios include a partnership with David Villeneuve, who has offered to undertake a large portion of the work himself, along with a loan to cover the remaining expenses, to be secured by the town with a guarantee of future tax revenues from the property.
Your input is welcome: call me at 343-1265 or email
Agenda - 6/3/10 SB Meeting
7:05 Plains Road Streetlight Request
7:15 CSWD Trash Franchise Discussion – Bert Lindholm, Tom Moreau
CSWD Clean Up Fund – Michelle Morris
7:45 Request for Highway Crew Help at Jericho Center Cemetery – Bert Lindholm
8:00 Request to Purchase New Highway Truck – Kenny Barkyoumb
8:15 School Impact Fee Waiver Request
8:20 Acceptance of O’Brien Fay South Development Easement
8:25 Approve Recreation Program Counselor
8:30 Approval of 5/6/10 and 5/20/10 minutes
Possible Executive Session (if needed)
Other business
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
J/U Joint Meeting
View Larger Map
One interesting thing that occurred at the meeting: David Villeneuve produced drawings for a proposed to change for Dickinson Street. Apparenetly, VTrans has given the intersection between Steam Mill Road (Pleasant Valley Rd. - going past BRMS) an 'F' for traffic and this has stimied development plans on Villeneuve's commercial property. The proposal involves revamping Dickinson Street for 2-way traffic, thus lessening the load on the intersection between Steam Mill Rd. and Rte 15 (across from Jolley's), and would cost the town more than $200,000. Since this is not in our town budget, Villeneuve proposed doing a large portion of the work himself, saving the town some $100,000. The Selectboard will hear Mr. Villeneuve's request at a public meeting soon - I'll keep you posted.
Here are the (DRAFT!) minutes from the meeting. In this case, the minutes explain the meeting better than I can.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Update on the Riverside/Underhill Flats Community Forum

A big joint meeting is scheduled for Thursday to address the issues of Village Center designation in the Underhill Flats area.
Coming together for this forum will be: the Jericho Selectboard, the Underhill Selectboard, the Jericho Planning Commission, and the Underhill Planning Commission,
The meeting will take place at the Underhill Town Hall, Thursday, May 20th 7:00 to 9:00 pm and includes an hour of time set aside for discussion and public input. Come find out the latest on the development issues and voice your opinion to all parties involved!
More information:
Meeting agenda
Other public meetings about the Flats
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thoughts on the 5/6/10 Meeting
Town Service Officer Appointment
Louise Moon Rosales is our new Town Service Officer - hurray! She is a nurse practitioner with many ties in town and she is perfect for the job - thanks for stepping forward, Louise! In the past, we've appointed the town administrator to this position just to complete the statutory requirement. But one of the first documents I read as a new selectperson was a letter from the Department of Children and Family Services asking us to appoint a person to the position who really knows the community and will serve in a way that can really help those in need. Louise is that person.
Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative
We appointed two members of the community to a new collaborative effort: the "Solid bio-fuel Feasibility Study Steering Committee" of the Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative. The local Energy Task Force recommended Don Tobi and Tom Baribault and so, the Selectboard approved these nominations.
CSWD Update
Tom Moreau, director of the Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) presented the organization's budget and gave us his overview, which we received with a very positive response. Among other things, they are planning to take and recycle sheet plastic (bags, packaging, etc.) and also looking into taking compost from residents. Wow!
There really isn't much more to tell - all else is quiet in Jericho.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Agenda - 5/6/2010 Meeting
Let me know if you have any concerns about these items, or other issues!
Kim (send email)
AGENDA - Selectboard Meeting
Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Jericho Town Hall, 67 Vermont Route 15
(All agendas are subject to change)
7:05 - Approval of 4/15/10 minutes
7:10 - Town Service Officer Interview – Louise Moon Rosales
7:20 - (Various business)
- Re-appointment of Town Forest Fire Warden
- Appointment of Delinquent Tax Collector
- Approval of Bond Amount for 23 Browns Trace Wireless Facility
- Appointment of Town Representatives to Solid bio-fuel Feasibility Study Steering Committee
7:45 - Authorization to Purchase Highway Truck
7:50 - Grace Letter Regarding Old Pump Dog Bite
8:00 - Acceptance of Bridge Inspection Summary Reports
8:10 - Approve Recreation Program Counselor
8:15 - Discussion of VNA Follow-up Letters (see last blog entry for details)
Possible Executive Session (if needed)
Other business
Saturday, April 17, 2010
4/15 Meeting Wrap-up
The agenda was rearranged to accommodate visitors, so they wouldn't have to wait while we reviewed the minutes.
Town Meeting VNA Follow Up Discussion
The brief back-story: several years ago the freeps ran a story outing the salaries of the top executives at the non-profit home health agency, Visiting Nurses Association. Following that story, at Jericho's town meeting in 2009, a resident relayed the story to those in attendance. He asked that the increased budget request from the VNA be denied, and suggested instead that the organization be level-funded at the same rate as the year prior.
After some discussion, the town decided to fulfill the VNA's funds request that year. The resident's asked that the SB send a message to the VNA asking for an explanation of the high salaries. The message was sent but there was apparently no reply.
Fastforward to last Thursday's Selectboard (SB) meeting: present to discuss the issue is VNA's CEO, Church Hindes, along with Anne Doremus, a Jericho resident who sits on the VNA's board of trustees.
It seems there have been a few misunderstandings:
- Church said he received the letter from the SB last year and did respond: by phone.
- Church had an amenable conversation with then-town administrator Bert Moffatt, who assured him not to worry about the issue too much. He advised that it would probably blow over.
- The high salaries were described as $600k for the top 3 execs, which may have been misconstrued as $600k for each one. Actually that amount is divided among the three.
- The execs, according to Anne, are in the 25th percentile for similar positions in the region.
- The VNA asks for only about 80% of its Jericho expenses to be reimbursed with taxpayers' money.
So after we'd heard all there was to hear, Tim Nulty (chair of the SB) asked that Mr. Hindes write a letter describing his conversation with Bert. He also asked the chair of the VNA board to send a letter attesting to the relative compensations for similar positions at other organizations.
Proposed Reconfigured Hammerhead for Hunt Subdivision
Larry Young & Marge Hunt presented their revised plan of a turnaround for emergency vehicles and buses. The SB gave them their approval.
Approval of minutes
We approved the minutes with a few typo fixes and clarifications. These minutes should be posted soon online.
Acceptance of Lee River Road Pedestrian Easement
The board reviewed the map and approved the easement as advised. Catherine McMains (who chaired the DRB for a number of years) noted that there are several such easements along Lee River Rd. She expressed the hope that they might all connect one day to create a pedestrian walkway for joggers and others on this town road with a minimal shoulder.
Proclamation of “Way to Go! Community Challenge” Week
We quickly approved this effort to urge residents to find alternate ways to commute for one week. Methods include: biking, taking public transit, carpooling and telecommuting. The Jericho Energy Task Force will spearhead this challenge, which pits Jericho in a friendly competition against neighboring towns. Find out more, sign up, way to go!
CSWD/RPC/MPO Appointments
- CSWD - We reappointed Bert Lindholm and Leslie Nulty to represent Jericho on the CSWD board.
- CCMPO - Tim Nulty was named the board representative, with Bert Moffatt and myself as alternates.
- CCRPC - Catherine McMains was named the board representative, with Bert Moffatt and myself as alternates.
Olde Yankee First Class Liquor License Renewal
No problems here. Since Jericho does not have a Liquor Control Board, the SB acts as one. We approved the renewal of Olde Yankee's liquor license.
Old Pump Road Dog Bite Complaint
Tricky situation. I won't describe the issue in detail, but prefer to just sum it up - some dogs escaped from the house and chased a teenage girl until one bit her. An onlooker along with the owner pulled the dogs away. The town's dog ordinance states that if an injury caused by someone's pet requires medical attention, the SB will hold a quasi-judicial hearing to discover facts and determine the best action. Because the girl did not seek medical attention, the issue does not warrant a hearing. However, the family of the girl wants some retribution and control over the dogs. The owner has promised several improvements, including an invisible fence and obedience classes for the biter. Seeking a solution, the SB will write a letter to the dog owner urging quick action on the promises, and a stern warning that the next bite will cause a serious response.
Open Meeting Law Discussion
We discussed the law for open meetings and reviewed a presentation from the VLCT (Vermont League of Cities and Towns) that covers different circumstances for executive sessions (legal matters, personnel matters), as well as email discussions. I spoke of my concern about email conversations, which seem to go beyond the "information distribution" type that the VLCT recommends, and trend toward discussions of substance. No one intends for an item of note--a simple informational email--to become a discussion that perhaps should be aired in a public forum.
Approve Recreation Program Counselors
This item included a review of the applications for summer camp counselrs. Approved with very little discussion.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Agenda for 4/15 Meeting
This is a very full agenda! I suspect the times posted with each item are a bit optimistic and might not allow enough time for discussion. Feel free to call or email me if you'd like to share an opinion or concern.
phone 343-1265
Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall,
7:05 Approval of 3/2/10, 3/18/10 & 4/1/10 minutes
7:10 Town Meeting VNA Follow Up Discussion – J. Churchill Hinds, CEO
7:30 Acceptance of Lee River Road Pedestrian Easement – Todd Odit
7:35 Proposed Reconfigured Hammerhead for Hunt Subdivision – Larry Young
7:45 Proclamation of “Way to Go! Community Challenge” Week
7:50 CSWD/RPC/MPO Appointments
7:55 Olde Yankee First Class Liquor License Renewal
8:00 Old Pump Road Dog Bite Complaint – Todd Odit
8:15 Open Meeting Law Discussion – VLCT Selectboard Institute Materials
8:30 Approve Recreation Program Counselors
Other business
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April 1st Meeting Recap
Public to be heard (Question about plan for Dickinson Street)
A resident of River Road came to the meeting to inquire about the current plan for Dickinson Road - he wanted to know who will make the decision about the traffic patterns, and when? Seth Jensen, our town planner, was there at the meeting so Tim Nulty asked him to provide some insight.
Seth described the Charrette's process that occurred 4 or 5 years ago to gain input on development in the Flats area. I'm oversimplifying here, but basically he explained that, since the development of David Villeneuve's property in the Flats is still undetermined, the town hasn't moved forward on making a decision about Dickinson Road. The River Road resident pointed out that traffic is horrific every morning between 7 and 8:00 a.m. as parents drop kids off at the middle school then wait in a backed-up queue to take a left onto Route 15. Tim expressed sympathy for the situation. He asked staff to prioritize the next steps for determining the best alternative for converting Dickinson Street into a 2-way street.
Green Up Day
$200 was granted to pay for the breakfast at the Jericho Community Center on Green Up Day. This is a really great spread, and a wonderful chance to mingle with your neighbors. To stake out your piece of road to clean, and to pick up your garbage bags, visit Town Hall or call Jessica at 899-9970. Green Up day is May 1...let's all join the party and green up Jericho!!!
Village Center Designation
Seth (town planner) gave us the skinny on the state's "Village Center Designation" -- which is NOT to be confused with a Historic Village Designation. We agreed that Seth should apply for the designation for the Underhill/Jericho Flats village. (Note: Jericho Center and Jericho Corners are already so designated.) If you live in the Flats and would like more detailed information, please call Seth directly at 899-9970 x 6.
Transfer of Funds
We approved the closing of the Town Hall Renovation Reserve Fund and directed the balance toward the May 15, 2010 Town Hall bond payment.
Speed Limit Revision Request
We reviewed and discussed a petition by the residents of Ethan Allen Road (which leads to the Ethan Allen range). They've requested a decrease in the speed limit of that road to 25 mph. It is now 35 mph but the residents say that cars go much faster. We decided to send a letter to the petitioners letting them know that we appreciate the communication and that we are about to embark on a study of all the speed limits in town by checking their validity in relation to the last speed study conducted by a traffic engineer.
Summer Recreation (aka Jericho Summer Camp)
There was a detailed letter from Lynn Wagner, our Summer Recreation director, with her hiring recommendations for both assistant directors - the older kids at BRMS and the younguns at JES. Jessica Chace will act as site director for JES. Jessica is from Jericho and has attended camp since 1st grade and has 6 years experience working at camp as a CIT and as a counselor. For the BRMS camp, Lynn gave a strong recommendation for Moira Lamay, who has a solid resume with experience in children's mental health and police work. After speaking with Lynn and reviewing the candidates' qualifications, we approved the recommendations for the two Assistant Directors. If you'd like to hear more, please feel free to contact me at 343-1265 or by email:
Streetscape Project
Work on the Route 15 Streetscape project begins April 15th! This may disrupt your commute, so plan on leaving early or going the long way around. Plans for the streetscape project can be viewed online here or, if you want to see the big plats, you can go to town hall anytime where they are available in the Town Administrator's office.
What else?
After a discussion about the VT State Police presence in Jericho (particularly, where they spend most of their patrolling time), I started a random conversation about the idea of instituting a constable position in town. Needless to say, this idea was received with some chagrin. But my own experience growing up in Thetford provided a very positive impression of a constable. I was thinking of it as a sort of sacred Vermont tradition - like our town meetings or our Good Samaritan Law - but apparently there is a history of abuse and controversy with constables. What do you guys think...?!?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Agenda - SB Meeting 4/1/10
Selectboard Meeting
April 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Jericho Town Hall, 67 Vermont Route 15
(All agendas are subject to change)
7:05 Approval of 3/2/10 & 3/18/10 minutes
7:10 Community Center Green Up Day Breakfast Request
7:15 Riverside/Underhill Flats planning and Village Center Designation
7:20 Approve transfer of reserve funds for Town Hall bond payment
7:30 Ethan Allen Road Speed Limit Petition
7:40 Approve hiring Summer Recreation Assistant Directors
Possible Executive Session (Personnel)
Other business
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
WANTED: community-minded people-person to fill TSO post
- Does the candidate really know the people of your community?
- Is the candidate available to assist members of your community in accessing needed services?
- Can the candidate be depended upon to maintain in complete confidence (as required by law) the names of people who are receiving assistance?
Please share this info with anyone you feel would be a good candidate!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Survived 1st meeting - recap here
I took the oath at 7:00 - witnessed by Jessica Alexander, town clerk, and Lucy, my 5 year old, photo courtesy of Ryan Mercer - and the meeting was called to order swiftly after (the Mercer clan left at that point).

There was no one present save the town officials, so no public to be heard (standard first order of business). Then the SB was reorganized, Tim Nulty assuming his turn at the chairmanship, which is brilliantly organized in rotations of three months, allowing each SB member to take some of the responsibility of running meetings and responding to town business as needed. My first turn as chair will begin with the June 3rd meeting and last through the summer. Meetings will continue to be held on the first and third Thursdays of the month (mark your calendar!).
Liquor & Tobacco Licenses
We approved the liquor & tobacco license renewals of four stores - Jericho Country Store, Jolley's, Jericho General (Mel's), and Chittenden Mills.
Other Business
We amended the agenda to add an "Other Business" item and covered a few items of interest - Jericho Rec staffing (more on that later), an application to the state for large solar panels in Jericho Center, the matter of creating a Clean Energy Assessment District (very complex, we discussed at some length, I requested that a Vermont Energy Investment Corporation expert be invited to a meeting to fill us in on the implications), and finally we recommended that the town administrator draft an email to our state legislators regarding an issue on a pending bill that seeks to reduce, if not eliminate, municipal involvement in issues that come before the Public Service Board. If anyone is interested in hearing more about this, let me know, I can forward you the email.
Regarding Jericho Rec., the camp director, Lynn Wagner, had submitted a memo requesting permission to hire an assistant director for one of the locations (big kids - BRMS, little kids - JES). I think the other SB members were inclined to grant a blessing without any further information, but I expressed some concern for aquiring a high quality of management at the camp (both of my children attend for all 6 weeks so I've had lots of experience as a parent of the program). I asked if Todd had seen a resume of the candidate, or if he knew anything else about it. He indicated that he didn't, and Tim suggested that I look into it and report back at the next meeting. Lynn, I'll talk with you real soon!
We discussed appointments for the town's officers, including the animal warden, the listers, the health officer, and members of all the town's commissions. The only position without an easy reappointment option is the TOWN SERVICE OFFICER, which has traditionally been filled by the town administrator. Todd is willing to serve in this post. But the position is described as a person intimate with the community, preferably a person with connections in human services. This person could be a real life-saver for town resident's in need. I'll write a separate post about this later, with more information on what the job entails and how to apply.
That's about it...let me know if this information is helpful, interesting, or what. I want feedback!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Not yet sworn in
From the VLCT Selectboard Handbook, Chapter 3 - "Conflicts of Interest and Incompatible Offices":
The proper operation of democratic government requires that public officials be independent, impartial, and responsible to the people; that government decisions and policy be made in proper channels of government structure; that public office not be used for personal gain and the public have confidence in the integrity of its government.So there's that, of course.
During my time as the Assistant to the Town Administrator (2006-2008) I took the minutes for dozens of SB and DRB meetings and I watched quietly from the corner as David Villeneuve worked to get what he wanted out of Town Hall. When I saw on the ballot that he was running unopposed for the board, I was worried about our other two selectpersons: that they might be hassled and aggravated; that they would be required to expend endless energy to maintain the board's integrity; that the board would struggle constantly to prevent discussions and decisions that might contain conflicts of interest.
I tried to convince a number of other people in town--people who are competent and honest--to run as a write-in, but the effort was futile.
I was thinking that I might become one of the town's watchdogs, monitoring meetings and diligently studying the minutes of each meeting. If I was going to be appearing at Town Hall every 1st and 3rd Thursday nights to keep a vigil, I might as well throw my line into the river and see if there would be a nibble.