I took the oath at 7:00 - witnessed by Jessica Alexander, town clerk, and Lucy, my 5 year old, photo courtesy of Ryan Mercer - and the meeting was called to order swiftly after (the Mercer clan left at that point).

There was no one present save the town officials, so no public to be heard (standard first order of business). Then the SB was reorganized, Tim Nulty assuming his turn at the chairmanship, which is brilliantly organized in rotations of three months, allowing each SB member to take some of the responsibility of running meetings and responding to town business as needed. My first turn as chair will begin with the June 3rd meeting and last through the summer. Meetings will continue to be held on the first and third Thursdays of the month (mark your calendar!).
Liquor & Tobacco Licenses
We approved the liquor & tobacco license renewals of four stores - Jericho Country Store, Jolley's, Jericho General (Mel's), and Chittenden Mills.
Other Business
We amended the agenda to add an "Other Business" item and covered a few items of interest - Jericho Rec staffing (more on that later), an application to the state for large solar panels in Jericho Center, the matter of creating a Clean Energy Assessment District (very complex, we discussed at some length, I requested that a Vermont Energy Investment Corporation expert be invited to a meeting to fill us in on the implications), and finally we recommended that the town administrator draft an email to our state legislators regarding an issue on a pending bill that seeks to reduce, if not eliminate, municipal involvement in issues that come before the Public Service Board. If anyone is interested in hearing more about this, let me know, I can forward you the email.
Regarding Jericho Rec., the camp director, Lynn Wagner, had submitted a memo requesting permission to hire an assistant director for one of the locations (big kids - BRMS, little kids - JES). I think the other SB members were inclined to grant a blessing without any further information, but I expressed some concern for aquiring a high quality of management at the camp (both of my children attend for all 6 weeks so I've had lots of experience as a parent of the program). I asked if Todd had seen a resume of the candidate, or if he knew anything else about it. He indicated that he didn't, and Tim suggested that I look into it and report back at the next meeting. Lynn, I'll talk with you real soon!
We discussed appointments for the town's officers, including the animal warden, the listers, the health officer, and members of all the town's commissions. The only position without an easy reappointment option is the TOWN SERVICE OFFICER, which has traditionally been filled by the town administrator. Todd is willing to serve in this post. But the position is described as a person intimate with the community, preferably a person with connections in human services. This person could be a real life-saver for town resident's in need. I'll write a separate post about this later, with more information on what the job entails and how to apply.
That's about it...let me know if this information is helpful, interesting, or what. I want feedback!
Kim, this is fabulous!! What great communication.
Thanks so much, Kim! Very informative. It sounds as though you are asking the right questions. I'm glad you are there!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info... I like being able to get a quick overview. It think it would be interesting to have another person doing the same thing and see how similar or different the post are. I always find it fascinating how differently two people can perceive the same meeting.
ReplyDeleteWould you be willing to send a note to the Jericho/Underhill community website TwoTownsOnline.org (or the elist jericho-underhill@yahoogroups.com or both) when you make a blogpost about selectboard meetings? That will expand your readership and give a larger segment of the community access to what's up. I think just a quick note with link to the post would be fine.
Is is possible to post the agenda on the Blog? If folks were more aware of what's coming up you might get more input from the public. Now you have to go to the website to get the agenda. If it pops up I'll remember to read it.
-Kelly King
Thanks Kim... I really appreciate what you are doing. It takes time, but I am greatful to you.
ReplyDeleteLaura Z
Your blog brings things to life! I read it because Phyl Newbeck mentioned it on Facebook. If you hesitate to blow your own horn too much, consider an alternative to Kelly's suggestion and allow someone else to mention your blog on TwoTownsOnline.org. You would still have to let that person know that you renewed your blog.
ReplyDeleteKim - thanks for the update - succinct and informative. I would have never read such minutes in previous years, but I really like this blog format. Thanks for keeping us abreast of the issues being discussed!
ReplyDeleteAnnette Rexroad
Great summary! I really appreciate you running and being willing to post your notes here for us to see!
ReplyDeleteOn the TwoTowns discussion board there was a conversation about 6 months ago about having the town look at limiting the number of trash/recycling haulers in the town. The conversation started (I think) because people on Cilley Hill were talking about trucks tearing up the road and then it morphed into a conversation about gas/road use/carbon footprint etc. Do you know if this idea ever made it to the Selectboard?