Recently, members of the Selectboard heard strong complaints from a few Jericho residents about smoky, smoldering fires which continued for numerous days. At the time of the complaints, it became very clear that town officials did not have a well-defined way to address complaints of this kind.
As Jericho increases in density the issues around open burning will no doubt continue to cause problems among neighbors. There is also the issue of air quality. Several residents have expressed their view that composting is always a more environmental option than combustion.
The Selectboard is grappling with this subject. We've heard a variety of diverse opinions: some say the current burn policy for Jericho, along with the state law about burning, is working just fine, so there is no need to change anything. Others believe that a detailed burn ordinance (such as the one in Colchester) would do the trick. Still others believe that we should forbid all open burning in Jericho.
What do you think?
Please take a couple minutes to complete this short survey.
Thanks, Kim