Jericho was hit hard today. Unbelievable winds, pounding rains, hail, flying tree limbs, downed trees and flailing power lines. I received many calls from concerned residents, wondering when the power company was going to clear the trees blocking the roads. You may still be without power...Mountain View Drive and Lawrence Heights are still down, (10:10 pm). According to Kenny Barkyoumb (our Road Foreman), at least 1,500 homes in town were without power earlier today.

The above photo is of my road, Mountain View, a view north toward my neighbor's house where the Yergeaus lost a gorgeous, healthy American Maple that fell into the road and took the power lines with it.

View from the Yergeau's yard (that's my house in the background),
I called the state police and asked that they patrol Jericho tonight, looking out for possible vandals where cars have been left at the ends of roads due to trees obstructing people from driving to their homes. State police phone number: 878-7111.
I also called CVPS and pleaded with them to give me some indication of their list of priorities. They wouldn't, or couldn't, tell me much, except that there are plenty of fires to put out and their crews are working through the night.
Amazing photos of the storm on
the Burlington Free Press website.
What a mess. I hope you are safe.