But finally (and in the knick of time, for tomorrow marks the onset of JULY!) here are the highlights from the last two meetings:
Dickenson Street/Saw Mill property

David Villeneuve has developed a plan for traffic easement which the Act 250 Commission apparently agrees could work. It involves a redesign for Dickenson Street to open it up for 2 way traffic, thereby cutting the cars at the other intersection in half. Theoretically, the Selectboard is open to this solution but the problem is how to fund it. So there is a proposal on the table to create a new tax district ("Special Tax District") on the commercial property there, and to borrow the funds for the road improvement based on the future tax revenue from Villeneuve's property. Stay tuned for more on this - or call Todd Odit (Town Administrator) and ask him for the scoop.
Conflict of Interest Policy
A recent incident at a Planning Commission meeting prompted the evaluation of the town's Conflict of Interest Policy and how it might be enforcable if a situation occurs. We decided to send a copy of the policy to all members of town committees with a cover letter from the SB explaining that we take the issue seriously. Also, we stated that if ANY question of conflict comes up at a meeting, the chair of that committee should postpone the discussion and report the question of conflict to the Selectboard for possible investigation. The SB has the authority to remove any member of a SB-appointed committee if we believe there is a true conflict of interest.
New Truck for Road Crew
Kenny Barkyoumb, our road crew foreman, presented a compelling argument in favor of trading in the town's 5-year old truck for a new one. He explained that upcoming maintenance needs will only increase, and that the town has the funds budgeted for the purchase.
CSWD Franchise discussion
This issue involves the Chittenden Solid Waste District's exploration and research into the feasibility and benefits associated with the creation of a franchised pick-up service throughout it's partner municipalities. This idea inevitably would increase efficiency and reduce fuel expense and related pollutions, but it may also cause distress on local haulers. A concerned citizen sent an email to the SB and this is the CSWD's response (unformatted text from an email).
Skunk Hollow Road - condition complaint
A resident of Skunk Hollow explained that he had suffered property damage and witnessed 7 accidents in the same spot in front of his house on the gravel portion of Skunk Hollow. He was very convincing and said that he loves living on a dirt road but he believes there is a serious hazard in not paving this road that has become a "cut-through" for commuters to get the interstate. I have to admit, I use this road daily to drive to work in Burlington. Just yesterday on my drive home, I spied the evidence of an obvious wipe-out in exactly the same spot that the resident described. The road had been grated that day, making it slick and unpredictable. I wanted to take a picture, but alas my camera battery was dead.
We discussed the temporary, relatively inexpensive solution of a guard rail, which would possibly deter accidents, but would definitely create a way to record them. The SB plans to discuss the paving of this road in the next go-around (of course, public input and much more discussion will occur before a decision is made.)
Submit photos for town website
Kudos to the town staff, especially Paula Carrier, for a fresh face on the town website! You'll see the generic photos on the homepage if you visit the site....WE WOULD LOVE TO USE REAL JERICHO PHOTOS!!! Submit yours to me at kimnormanmercer@gmail.com or Paula or pcarrier@jerichovt.gov.
And finally, the agenda for Thursday, July 1st
The most interesting item is the discussion of the Jericho's burn policy. More info soon...